"RAW text is a machine readable form of characters or string of characters that is before being process by any analytical software, in this case our very own SAP"
"RAW text is a machine readable form of characters or string of characters that is before being process by any analytical software, in this case our very own SAP"
MANDT (this is to tell which data belongingto which client)KEY FIELD 1 - CHECK TABLE (it can be your required field)KEY FIELD 2 - CHECK TABLE (it can be your required field)...KEY FIELD nnon key field 1 - CHECK TABLE (it can be your required field)non key field 2 - CHECK TABLE (it can be your required field)...non key field nCHECKBOX 1 (optional)...CHECKBOX nCREATED ONCREATED ATCREATED BYCHANGED ONCHANGED ATCHANGED BY
Program : SAPLKKBL
Status : STANDARD*
"When user create an invoice via VF01 or from a customized IDOC that creates invoice, several output types are created and one of them is an outbound IDOC that will send back to the sender to let them know invoice has been created. Now, after the invoice and IDOC has been sent out, there should be a mechanism to check whether the outbound IDOC is successfully send out. If it is successfully sent out, the mechanism will grab that invoice, convert it to PDF, attach it to an email and send it to responsible recipients..."
I went ahead to ST05 to get down all the USER EXITS and BADI from VF01 so I see which of them are more suitable to initiate this process. Doing so, I'd found one, it was XXXX. At this point, my imagination went beyond. Somehow, it is sometimes bad to venture too far from my own imagination. Because the next step I wanted to know how do I check the outbound IDOC's status from this USER EXIT XXX. It was simple, I used transparent table NAST and EDIDC to check the outbound IDOC's status. If its status are 03, 30 and XX, then it should go ahead to process the invoice convertion and IDOC send out. For the time being I'd solved 2 major problems.Next, I need to get the latest invoice to do conversion. Unfortunately, with the current USER EXIT, I might not be able to get that SPOOL ID because it has not been created yet. VF01 has to be finished first. This pose another problem, how do I let VF01 finish off so I can get the SPOOL ID? After an overnight sleep, I decided that creating another RFC function module in the USER EXIT will do the trick. An RFC that executes with a new process created in the background. Thus, with this RFC initated as a new process run and letting the VF01 to finish processing, I can get the SPOOL ID.
is sky the limit.... print, converting and sending...