- IT0003 (Payroll Status)
- IT0009 (Bank Details)
- IT0185 (Personnel IDs)
- IT0196 (EPF)
- IT0000 (BackDated Pay)
- IT0198 (Check if record exist)
When you need to create or add functions to payroll driver of a certain country, you will need to know three things and there are:
Step 2: Click create to get into the schema attributes. (Note : Choose country grouping accordingly to which payroll is being used. E.g. 14 is for Malaysia because this example is using Malaysian payroll).
Step 3: Choose program class either payroll or time management.
Figure 1.3 : Program class selection
Step 4 : Save and exit. (Note : For the time being we go to PE04 to create functions before we come back to link both of them up)
- PE04 - Maintain Functions and Directories
PE04 allows you to create functions/operations for either payroll or time management. This functions will be saved and enabled in the following program and link to the schema directory above. Thus completing your setting up of additional schemas to your payroll program.
Steps to create function(s) in schema functions
Step 1: create a new name e.g. zsub1.
Figure 2.0 : Create a function
Step 2: Click create to go into characteristics of function payroll. Provide description and country assignment should be according to which country payroll are being run by the client.
Figure 2.1 : Choosing country assignment and description.
Step 3 : Click Save. (Note : Ensure your country assignment is selected correctly.)
After performing the above steps, you can start to insert functions into include program (PCBURZMY0) of main program (RPCALCL0). Additional functions of payroll schema/driver are added to PCBURZMY0. RPCALCL0 will go through each of the functions in PCBURZMY0 when payroll administrator runs payroll.
is sky the limit... payroll driver... how-to
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